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Captain_Buggy • 2 years ago

why do you need a skill to be able to hold 2 swords?

Omnipresent • 2 years ago

Well I guess it's like in real life, you can hold 2 swords, but you can't use them efficiently unless you practice, but with the duel sword skill you can use 2 swords efficiently since you have the skill

Daryl Mess • 2 years ago

So ur saying you cant practice in the game? You cant practice dual swords? Tf then cooking is also a skill? I just dont get it

Leoric • 2 years ago

Yes... Cooking is a skill in the game... The Dual-wielding skill Kirito unlocked(for being the person with the fastest neural response time, reflexes essentially, still alive... He was actually second originally) has a few extra perks though... He can use each sword separately, allowing him to chain 1-handed sword techniques, which also removes something we don't really see in the anime, which is the cooldown freeze after a technique is used (Every technique freezes the user for... I believe it is 0.5 seconds after use), AND it comes with its own unique set of techniques based on skill level

Hououin Kyouma • 6 months ago

Way more info than needed in this post

IExistMe Official • 1 year ago

Well you see. Every one is on bedrock edition. You can only place certain items in your offhand(totem shield, map, and spyglass). Kirito on the other hand for some reason can put other items in his offhand like in java.

Minorin The kawaai • 2 years ago

It's like everything you do is a skill , u breath? It is a skill...u run? It is a skill...u want to jump? It is a skill...You want to blah blah blah? It is a skill...

Tower • 2 years ago

One of the many inconsistencies of this world, with apparently an "unlimited amount of skills"...
Like for instance, the fact that you can apparently throw rocks and stuff as a viable strategy in combat, which means the skills extend all the way to projectiles, yet no one seems to use throwing weapons or bows, other than Kirito in literally just 3 scenes.
Which in turn starts to make even less sense, when you see that this games name is "SWORD art online" yet most people use weapons other than swords. Hell, you can even tame creatures apparently. But even among those, we're only introduced to ONE of them.
Yet no sight of bows. None whatsoever, despite the tactical advantage it'd provide. Not even with Kirito and he's apparently the only guy who's ever thought to use throwing weapons. With the exception of Cainz, I guess.

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

Well, like all anime there’s always parts we simply do not question

For reference, you forgot about the fact the laughing coffin members threw a knife that paralyzed.

Well, aside from that, the title is Sword art online, so bows aren’t really matching that description.

But then the question, why have shields, axes, maces, etc? I guess because the name behind SAO is less of a term of “only sword” and more of “melee combat”

The reason why people don’t use projectiles like Kirito does with needles I think has less of the fact to do with inconsistency and more to do with they’re not meant for combat.

Kirito has used needles twice. Once for hunting, and the second in an attempt to knock something out of someone’s hand. In both scenarios, it’s likely that if this was used in combat it would do negligible damage and wouldn’t really be effective.

It’s very possible throwing things like rocks, needles, and even knives was more for a hunting purpose as Kirito used it for than a combat usage. The other thing is exactly how much effort you’d need to put into leveling it to make it effective. Considering the main focus is on the clearing group, which was mentioned to be less than 500, it’s very possible that people do not value throwing items against mobs for reasons. We don’t really see Kirito actually use throwing skills while fighting mobs at all. We see him toss a rock at a boar but it seemed to have literally done nothing to it.

Well, back to my original point, every anime has logic that shouldn’t be questioned.

The main focus of SAO isn’t really whether or not people are using throwing skills but melee combat in an MMORPG virtual reality world.

Whatever the case, the limitless skills I think was referring to limitless sword skills and styles considering the massive amount of melee weaponry with or without a shield.

Just cause the title is sword art online doesn’t meant it is only swords. The why the hell is Bleach called bleach, or Naruto called Naruto. Certainly Naruto is the focus of the story, but he’s nowhere near the only character or only relevant point in the story. Bleach’s title is even more of a wonder.

And that about wraps up what I wanted to say. Don’t question it so much. To be honest, the plot hole you bring up isn’t really even one imo.

After all, it’s technically a game. You ever question why games have certain mechanics or certain content? The develop just decided to there’s nothing really more to it.

Anime logic will be anime logic.

Tower • 1 year ago

That is an excuse to bad writing.

"you forgot about the fact the laughing coffin members threw a knife that paralyzed" That's just nitpicky, after I referenced 3 other scenes already.
I'm not bound to remember every single detail about every single scene. I didn't even remember that there were throwing weapons involved in that scene. I just assumed they used some stealth skill to get close and stab the guy with the paralyze thing.

"Not meant for combat" he says, whilst referencing the fact that a player killing guild used paralyzing throwing weapons against other players. Clearly you can imbue them with stuff, which would prove invaluable in combat. Having them be "just for hunting", is completely robbed from logic. AND EVEN THEN, why are there no bows? This game sucks BALLS, at very least.

And the rest of the SAO seasons are also not about SAO, so why are they called SAO? Whatever the ANIME is called, makes no difference. I'm talking about the GAME and the WRITING that gave birth to the game.

Your complacency with illogical and bad writing is your business. But don't come to me, by claiming it's some moral high ground just because it includes contentedness.
In real life, no company under the sun would create a game like this, due to it being far TOO niche. No healers or rangers, far too limited options for thief players aside from PK and PVP, throwing weapons are only viably usable in hunting despite having clear untapped potential and in the context of it being a dive MMO, having no protection features when SLEEPING, which is something human tech can ALREADY detect with precision, just sets a precedent and makes it way too unfair.
When the novelty of the tech would dissipate, so would the game. Completely. This is not a game anyone outside of this anime would play and that's my point.

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

One last thing that came to mind: I am not saying sao is flawless. Certainly if you bring up some of the other glaring problems with the series I’d happily agree with you and say that it makes 0 sense.

For instance, why on earth is the Nerve gear able to fry someone’s brain? That would never pass ANY regulatory check that the device would go through. If you really think about it, even if it’s state of the art technology developed by a genius, that would never be allowed on the market because there is a known danger and a very plausible one at that.

Or how about this, the reasoning behind why you can’t take the
nerve gear off or unplug is is because it’ll instantly fry your brain and it has a battery meaning backup power.

Why can’t they just take the outer shell off and cut all power to whatever thing fries your brain? Anybody knows that even if there’s a battery, it can’t be used if there’s no connection to the device that needs to use it. And given that the battery was charging while plugged in, most likely they’re running on the same path (meaning, cutting connections from the microwave frying device simultaneously cuts power from plugged in power)
These are just a few absolutely glaring plot holes that I cannot defend in SAO. If you would like to poke more holes in SAO, im more than happy to assist you. In fact, I absolutely hate certain arcs of SAO, so don’t think it’s a case of im a die hard fan of the series and it’s perfect in my eyes.
The 2nd arc of the 1st season is absolutely lame. The War of underworld arc are some of the worst done and most atrocious anime I’ve watched with plot having completely flown out the window and it’s own saving grace being funky sound effects with good animation quality. The ending of Alicization was also lame as hell, and completely killed the beginning of the arc’s greatness.

GGO’s (2nd season 1st arc) premise also makes 0 sense. How is it that hard for authorities to find a wanted serial killer in a video game? Oh, the company doesn’t give us the info. Wtf you mean? Subpoena the information people have literally DIED from what appears to be very closely related to the game.

And you’re telling me their biggest asset to finding out the killer is for Kirito by himself to find the killer? What? And then it’s explained later on that they targeted
people in a certain area and with certain types of locks: why was this not figured out by police earlier? That’s literally so bare bones. No forced entry means they bypassed the “security”, which in both cases happened to be shitty old locks easily by passable. So it’s clear they have specific target groups in a specific area, now start connecting the dots on their method of killing and what could have been used.

Literally this isn’t even far fetched. Back when Texas had that bomber they traced a piece of a sign that had been bought at Home Depot with a pair of gloves caught in camera in a FedEx or UPS or whatever store and found out who bought the two items together and caught the criminal that way. This is basic police work and it’s baffling how they let more people die by letting Kirito snail his way to the answer instead of them figuring it out by traditional means.

At this point, I’m ranting and it’s seriously late now. Hopefully I proved the point that I’m not gonna die on a hill of unreasonable arguments. But certainly I think there’s validity in the things I said above.

Tower • 1 year ago

Well, now I'm confused... Because you said to not take it so seriously and to just attribute it to "anime logic" instead, but now you're saying to me that even you don't actually do that...?
You say you're trying to reason with me, but I don't see the "reason" in your reasoning...

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

My original point was not to take it seriously. However, since you brought up the supposed holes, you can take it seriously and attempt to understand the reasons for certain things in the story.

In other words, it's like watching a movie. On one hand, there's probably multiple errors throughout all movies. On the other hand, you never really worry about those because you are enjoying the movie.

But if you were to bring up the problems of the movie, you breed discussion to explain whether or not it's good/bad or makes sense/doesn't make sense. If that makes any sense.

Like I've stated before, it has never actually occurred to me that Kirito uses throwing weapons 3 times in the story, whereas only 1 other person has used it. This didn't really ever occur to me (hence, anime logic. Never question it)
But since you did question it, I spent the time to rethink all the scenes it was used in and understand the reason why. There are multiple telling factors for why nobody uses the throwing weapons, thus my explanation that there does appear to be logic behind it.

This same logic applies to my comments about SAO's flaws. Usually when watching, you just don't question the "But why aren't they doing this?" because it's an anime. It's fictional, and meant for entertainment.
All stories have flaws to them, and to a degree you must ignore those flaws. It is similar to "Well where was Kirito's catheter when he got up and started walking around the hospital?". When you start looking for flaws, many appear. So it's best just not to look at them.

If you are going to, go in with reason and make an attempt to understand why. If there is no explanation, there is no explanation. It was never considered.

Does that make sense?

P.S. If you read all my comments I applaud you. If you didn't, well I wouldn't be bothered because my god I just start writing and don't stop.

Tower • 1 year ago

That "logic" you speak of, is literally just tropes. Even I wouldn't be as ticked off about them, if it wasn't such a frequent thing in anime and manga to have these non-sensical situations and decisions that only help to move the plot along, or if they weren't basically the same every time as well.
The magic kind of dissipates, when seemingly every single story you watch and read seem to all be controlled by the same Deus Ex Machina... That being said, even someone like me is obsessed with Isekais and actually look forward to the same format every time, simply because it's in a different setting.

So essentially we're both on the exact same page, which is kinda why I didn't see the reason in your reply... In my view, critique has value and I believe that my own word matters. And I also think having actual discussions about these things is legitimately fun and stimulating. Even if it's ultimately obvious that an explanation wasn't actually even considered. For better or for worse, I suppose I'm just that kinda guy.

Also, there's nothing wrong with having a lot to say. God knows I can't reproach you for that...

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

Note: I wrote this on the phone which is why certain parts might be wonky. I also wanted to comment that everything I wrote is NOT meant to come off as hostile. Text can be interpreted and since I’m not speaking directly with you, my text can be perceived as hostile.

I’m simply trying to reason with you.

That being said, I swear I had something else to say but at this point it’s 3 in the morning and I can’t be bothered to think of it. I think there was some misinterpretation of my original points and I corrected myself. Hopefully I was clear enoug this time but as always text is difficult to be clear and explain things thoroughly in.

AURON 2401 • 2 years ago

Kirito isn't the only one who can use throwing weapons, even with Cainz in the mix. And guess what: it's in that episode too!

Tower • 2 years ago

Yeah, I said that.
"Yet no sight of bows. None whatsoever, despite the tactical advantage it'd provide. Not even with Kirito and he's apparently the only guy who's ever thought to use throwing weapons. With the exception of Cainz, I guess."

well theres multiple things, most likely,
you wont be able to use dual wield skills like starburst stream, probs wouldn't even be able to activate skills, also at the start Kirito refferred to just "letting it rip", meaning the system does most of the work and its just dependant if u have the skill or not.

also if u see at, 17:53,

"This skill allows the user to wield two swords simultaneously
Attack Speed Bonus 1.8x,
Weapon Guard Bonus 1.5x,
Cooldown Bonus 1.2x,"

i think these boosts are the main reason why the skill is only good or usable with Kirito

TenseiSensei • 1 year ago

Well that’s like any game lol.

Why is X mechanic in the game and why is that mechanic even a thing?

It’s a game. A unique skills that’s incredibly OP for one person honestly isn’t even that strange.

busyb • 2 years ago

Im pretty sure in the manga it said that otherwise the second sword would only do 1 damage per hit

Rimuru007 • 2 years ago

Fun fact actually Kirito's dual wield skill doubles his speed, power and defence, pretty much make him a god at the game.

Also the reason why he unlock that dual wield skill cuz of his crazy high reflexes.

Captain_Buggy • 2 years ago

so you need to have 2 swords to git gud

wasnt he like the person with the second fastest reflexes or smth,

but the first one died, and so thats why he got the skill

AURON 2401 • 2 years ago

No, he got to the requirements first, that's all it was.
The skill was originally intended for Kayaba, but he made the game so it's inherently "Fair", so if he didn't get it, it would be whoever got it before him.

神様 • 2 years ago

That red guild be simping asuna that's why they can't let her go

JonRickety • 2 years ago

Exactly, it's kinda stupid that they act as if they own Asuna. It is a game (I know its a death game) but players are free to do whatever they want. And Heathcliff still got the balls to say "If we lose, we will give you Asuna", like wtf?

nina<3 • 1 year ago

Yeah it's not like she's their possession

ℱ𓂅﹅﹅Ꮛ⋆ℕ • 1 year ago

She is vice commander, right? Then shouldn't she be sitting in chairs along with commander. Who are those punks in chairs? And can't you leave guild? Isn't it your own decision? How can those guys stop her unless there's a contract but judging from their conversation there seems to be none.

Eikichi Onizuka • 2 years ago

Man!! Asuna-chan is wifey material 🥰🥰

Hajime Nagumo • 2 years ago

Hell Nah Boi she a side-chick material with that bitchy attitude, at the early episodes she's a mysterious one next episode she entitled acting like the boss

Eikichi Onizuka • 2 years ago

Alright it’s according to me
What’s your suggestion on wifey material
I mean which anime character u like?
And thx for comment dude

Daryl Mess • 2 years ago

I likey the purple girl in hyouka, the zombie in steins gate, and dont forget that jacksparrow from chuunibyou

Eikichi Onizuka • 2 years ago

😅I didn’t watched any of these anime
I tried to watch steins gate but it’s shit anime

Waitagain13 • 2 years ago

how can u say that steins gate is a shit anime lol, maybe it isn't good for u but shit? nah dude

Daryl Mess • 2 years ago

Until what episode did you watch? Its vague but i remember the series gets better at episode 11

Eikichi Onizuka • 2 years ago

I tried to watch till 4 th episode
Time machine genre is not my preference
Same happens to Tokyo revenge
Wtf he goes back to past 3,4 times🤮💩

Daryl Mess • 2 years ago

Ahhwhahaah bruh tokyo revengers isnt my cup of tea as well, the mc is such a crybaby, but here i give you a good anime, erased is pretty much the best it can be at the time travel. He doesnt go back like 30 time like in tokyo revengers, this one actually has a good mc and yeah, try watching it

Eikichi Onizuka • 2 years ago

Ok i will watch it

animebuttskekw • 2 years ago

shit anime? idk chief. maybe you are just on that monkeeeeee stupidity and cant follow jack shit.

Daryl Mess • 2 years ago

Btw u should watch hyouka, its not action but its a bussin slice of life

ikal_man • 2 years ago

Nanami Aoyama in "The Pet Girl of Sakurasou". In a misunderstanding she listens to reason, in another she admits her mistake and apologises. First (if not only) girl in anime I've seen with such behaviour. And her looks are not to her disadvantage, either.

OGkana • 2 years ago

mashiro better xd

shubham • 2 years ago

this fight gave me dopamine rush

Master • 2 years ago


Gojo • 2 years ago

is it just me or does anyone else also not like Asuna?

Henry Branco • 2 years ago

Yh I just don't like the pushy girl troupe but it' really popular among guys who find it hard to talk to girls kinda like kirito himself

Master • 2 years ago

Y’all are so soft if you had watched more anime she would be the least pushy girl in your list

Henry Branco • 2 years ago

I see it in lots of anime and it's a generally accepted, annoying trait for any person to have, I just don't understand why ppl like it so much.

OGkana • 2 years ago

yeah you're absolutely alone on that

Deadline • 1 year ago

"You know something? I really...hate...people...
They' re selfish, ignorant, loud, obnoxious, pricks with no redeeming qualities whatsoever!
I mean really! Look at what they' ve achieved!
Genocide, global warming, reality TV! It' s just a never ending parade of failures and fuck-ups!
They are, without question, a complete write-off of a species, and how dare you make me care about them!!!"